Fifth wheelers are safer – here’s why they are

by | Jun 22, 2020 | Articles, Caravan/Tow Vehicle Behaviour & Suspension, CMB, Health & Safety, Roll

by Collyn Rivers

Fifth Wheelers are Safer

Fifth wheelers are safer than conventional travel trailers. They are fundamentally far more stable on-road and far less likely to overturn. Furthermore, up to two metres more is usable space. They thus have more living area.

That fifth-wheel trailers are safer and stable was realised in the early 1920s following ongoing accidents with centre-axled ‘pig’ trailers. This caused the transport industry (led by Fruehof) virtually worldwide to switch to the fifth-wheel configuration. Early fifth wheeler.

The first known fifth wheeler – the Adams Bungalow circa 1918. (Pic: courtesy the Glenn Curtis Museum).

Why fifth wheelers are safer

A fifth-wheel travel trailer‘s on-road behaviour is totally different from that of a conventional travel trailer. The reason why fifth wheelers are safer, however, is fundamental.

Conventional travel trailers are towed via an overhung hitch. If the travel trailer snakes in one direction that overhung hitch causes (not just allows) the tow vehicle to snake in the opposite direction. And vice versa. It is a fundamentally unstable configuration. This undesirable effect can be reasonably tamed with short centre-heavy travel trailers. But less so with long and/or end-heavy travel trailers.

Snaking can also be almost totally overcome by using a Hensely hitch. These use a trapezoid linkage that, in effect projects the virtual tow ball further toward the tow vehicle’s rear axle. They are commonly used in the USA. Their main downside is their weight. A ‘light’ version is available but still too heavy for most Australian-used tow vehicles.

Weight Distributing Hitches(WDHs)

The essential overhung mass (up to 350 kg [770 lb]) of the nose of a conventional travel trailer is imposed on the rear of the tow vehicle. This causes the front of its tow vehicle to lift. That reduces the grip of its front tyres.

This lifting effect can be counteracted by a ‘weight distributing hitch (WDH)’. This, in effect, ‘levers up’ the rear of the laden tow vehicle. The WDH thus restores part (or all) of the undesirable front end lift. It does, however, introduce major stability issues. By reducing the weight on the tow vehicle’s rear tyres it also reduces their ‘cornering power’. This (to put it mildly) introduces undesirable dynamic issues.

The physics of towing (simplified)

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Any trailer towed via an overhung hitch is inherently unstable. It can, however, be made reasonably stable by competent design, loading and usage. Pic:

A conventional travel trailer is coupled to its tow vehicle via hitch well over a metre behind at tow vehicle’s rear wheels. If either travel trailer or tow vehicle (or both) are subject to a side force (e.g. change in road camber, wind gusts etc), they swing in opposite directions. The rig ‘snakes’. At minor levels, this may dampen out after two or three swings. If, however, a side force is excessive above a critical speed, the rig is impossible to correct. If/when that happens the rig almost always jack-knifes. Double Pendulum illustrated.

A major growing industry builds product intended to limit sway. Some assist, but none fully precludes it. (see Travel trailer & Tow Vehicle Dynamics).
Travel trailer sway 5th wheel new

The fifth wheeler is inherently stable. Pic:

In physics terms, the overhung hitch of a tow vehicle pulling a conventional travel trailer introduces a mechanical 180º ‘phase change.’ It is that which results in inherent instability.

A fifth-wheel travel trailer, however, has its hitch located above the tow vehicle’s rear axle/s. If the trailer swings, it does not impose any undesirable force on its tow vehicle. It behaves predictably – much like the pendulum of a grandfather clock. That’s why fifth wheelers are safer. They are inherently stable and predictable.

Fifth wheelers are safer – rear axle location

For optimal stability, a fifth-wheel travel trailer needs its axle/s as far to the rear as possible. This results in a lot of its weight being carried by the tow vehicle. The amount is not critical but typically 15%-25%. As many suitable tow vehicles can carry 750-1000 kg (1650-2200 lb), tow ball weight is not an issue with lightweight construction. It becomes one, however, when customers and manufacturers seek bigger units at low cost.

A decade or so ago, Australia had many fifth-wheel travel trailer makers. Sadly, a lot of varying quality were imported from the USA and Canada. Many were and still are massively heavy. The only way to prevent them from flattening the typically used big Ford, Dodge or Chevy tow vehicle is to locate the trailers’ axles close to their centre. This causes an ongoing ‘rocking horse’ pitching. The resultant forces push the tow vehicle to and fro. This uncomfortable effect can be masked (but not 100% corrected) by using air-sprung hitches.

Glenn Portch’s 11.3 metre (37 foot), 3200 kg (7050 lb) Navigator. Pic: Glenn Portch.

A different and saner approach is exemplified (in Australia) by Glenn Porch’s long, ultra-light units. The one shown above, of 11.3 metres, has twin axles set right at the rear. It weighs 3200 kg (7050 lb) and has a legal payload of 1300 kg (2850 lb). It can be pulled by a light tug. Glenn produced these mainly out of personal interest. He has advised that he has no interest in making any more. But if you ever see one for sale – buy it. See also: Ultra-light-caravans/

How fifth wheelers ‘feel’ on tow

The on-road ‘feel’ of a towed fifth wheeler is much as a motorhome. Cornering is similar except that the trailer’s rear follows a tighter radius. The turning circle is much smaller. Many can turn such that the tow vehicle is at a right angle to the fifth wheeler. They are also easier to reverse. They are barely affected by strong side wind gusts and only rarely snake. If/when they do they usually self-correct. Again, another reason why fifth wheelers are safer.

Weight restrictions

In Australia, the overall weight of a fifth wheeler and towing vehicle is limited to the GCM (Gross Combined Mass) of the tow vehicle. If the GCM is 4.5 tonnes and the tow vehicle weighs 2.0 tonnes, then the maximum weight of the fully laden trailer must not exceed 2.5 tonnes.

Whilst it is common to have 20%-25% of a fifth wheeler’s weight carried by the towing vehicle, that weight must not exceed the legal carrying capacity of that vehicle. In particular, it must not exceed the carrying capacity of that vehicle’s tyres. Nor of its individual axle loading. If necessary, the nose weight may be reduced, but 15% is usually recommended.

A curious quirk in Australian legislation requires a driving licence appropriate only to the Gross Vehicle Mass of the tow vehicle. As with travel trailers, a combination weighing seven tonnes may be legally driven by holders of a car licence. The equivalent limit for a truck is 4.5 tonne.

The case against fifth wheelers

Whilst fifth wheelers are safer, they need a dedicated tow vehicle. Their high nose weight (and lack of storage space) reduces that vehicle’s ability for general use. If the fifth wheeler is light enough however, dual cab Ivecos etc pull them with ease. The fifth wheel buyer needs to be weight-conscious. But that can be beneficial.

Intending buyers need to be wary of ultra-large and heavy (low-price) US units. Many are intended for permanent trailer park living and have only rudimentary suspension.

Further information on travel trailers and fifth wheelers

Travel trailer-tow vehicle stability is complex. For in-depth coverage refer to my major article Travel Trailer Dynamics. Also the more technical Travel trailer and Tow Vehicle Dynamics. Every aspect of fifth wheeler design and usage etc is included in my Caravan & Motorhome Book. My other books include the Camper Trailer Book, Caravan & Motorhome Electrics, Solar That Really Works (for RVs) and Solar Success (for home and property systems). For information about the author please Click on Bio.

Collyn Rivers is a semi-retired automobile research engineer.  He is the author of seven books, five of which are about making RVs and solar work optimally.

Caravan and Motorhome Electrics

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Why Caravans Roll Over
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The Caravan & Motorhome Book

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Solar That Really Works!

Solar that Really Works! covers the design, installation and use of solar in cabins, camper trailers, travel trailers, fifth wheelers, campervans and motor homes.

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Why Caravans Roll Over
and how to prevent it

Explains in detail every aspect of tow vehicle and travel trailer stability. This is what you need to know to be safe on or off the road.

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Any bookshop, whether online or bricks and mortar, can order copies of Why Caravans Roll Over.  Just ask.
ISBN: 978-0-6483190-6-1