Caravan suspension has requirements that are very different from tow vehicles. This is only too often misunderstood. Here’s why and what it should be.
Lighting for caravans – it makes every sense to install LEDs
Lighting for caravans has changed. Now, by far the most practical and least energy drawing are LEDs (light emitting diodes). This article shows why.
Fast battery charging from generators – cheap, effective and relatively simply
Speeding battery charging from generators is cheap, effective and relatively simple. This article by RV Books’ Collyn Rivers explains how to do it.
Quietening caravan water pumps – easy and cheap to do
Quietening caravan water pumps is simple to do at no or trivial cost. This article from RV Books’ Collyn Rivers shows how.
Lightning risk in RVs – how to reduce that risk
Lightning frightens but lightning risk in caravans is very low. That risk however is far from random. Here’s how to reduce it yet further.
Make caravan fridges work as claimed – here’s how to do it
To make caravan fridges work as claimed, and draw less energy, is cheap, simple and easy. Many can be transformed. This article shows how.
Weight Distribution Hitch limits cornering
Tow ball weight pushes down the rear of the tow vehicle – thereby increasing the weight on its rear tyres. A WDH, in effect, is a semi-flexible springy beam that levers back up the rear of the tow vehicle and levers down its front. In doing so, however, it reduces the imposed load on the tow vehicles rear tyres and partially restored it on its front tyres. Reducing the load on the tow vehicle’s rear tyres reduces their ‘cornering ability’. This is why a weight distributing hitch limits cornering.
LP Gas risk in caravans – deaths & brain damage still occurs
A major LP gas risk in caravans is carbon monoxide build up. Low levels cause brain damage, and death at high levels. Here’s how to eliminate the dangers. A carbon monoxide build up as a direct result of burning LP gas in any inadequately ventilated confined space. The risk in RVs is high enough to take seriously. Since 2009 about 12 people (in Australia alone) died in caravans due to the above. In the USA it typically exceeds 1000 people a year. Far more have suffered brain damage.
RV Fuel cells – great idea, but cost is too high
Fuel cells for RVs are non-polluting and ultra-quiet. Whilst initially promising their initial and running costs still excludes general RV use.
Electrical converters in RVs – they’re unsuitable for free-camping
Electrical converters in RVs supply 12 volts from 230 volt power. They work well from 230 volts, but not for long-term camping. Here’s how to fix the problem.