Loading a Travel Trailer Safely

by | Apr 22, 2020 | Articles, Caravan/Tow Vehicle Behaviour & Suspension, CBRV, Roll, Travel

by Collyn Rivers

Loading a Travel Trailer Safely

Knowing how to locate mass correctly along the length of a travel trailer is vital. That applies both to its design and the owner’s loading. This article shows the safe approach to loading a travel trailer – and why and how it matter doing so is vitally important.

The travel trailer see-saw

As with a see-saw, two children of the same weight sitting at equal distances from its pivot balance each other. Likewise an adult sitting nearer the middle on one side can balance the far lower mass of a child at the far end of the other side. Loading a Travel trailer. The see saw effect.

Children on a see-saw. Pic: courtesy Getty Images.

A centre-axled travel trailer behaves like this too. Where you locate stuff along its length has the same effect: its distance from the axle/s increases its ‘effective weight’. Loading a travel trailer. Weight distribution.

The effect of locating a 20 kg (44 lb) item at various distances from the axle/s of a travel trailer.

Locating a (say) 20 kg (44 lb) tool box directly over a travel trailer‘s axle will have no effect on that travel trailer pitching or swaying. But if that tool box is half-way toward the back of the travel trailer (and that travel trailer then pitches or sways) – because it is further away from the axle/s that 20 kg (44 lb) tool box exerts a force as if it weighed 40 kg (88 lb). If that tool box was on a 10 kg (22 lb) external rack at the rear of the travel trailer, it acts as if weighs around 80 kg (175 lb) and the rack an effective 40 kg (88 lb). Loading a travel trailer safely requires doing the above.

Each spare wheel carried on the rear of a travel trailer has the same effect. A tool box and rack thus acts as if were four times heavier at the back of a 7 metre travel trailer than in the middle. It not only exerts additional force when the trailer pitches and yaws (sways): it induces that pitching and swaying.

The effect is similar at the front. The down and side forces on the tow vehicle cause that vehicle to pitch – and yaw sideways. That side force literally steers the tow vehicle by distorting its rear tyres.

Weight placement

There is a common and very dangerous belief held by many travel trailer owners (and even a few travel trailer makers) that it is fine to have a heavy load at the rear as long as it is balanced by a similar load at the front. That is virtually a recipe for jack-knifing. The rig will seem ultra-stable much of the time, but if sway sets in at speed it may be impossible to stop it. The sway is likely to escalate and the rig to jack-knife. This is not an ‘opinion. It is basic Newtonian physics.

Loading a travel trailer safely – summary

Never have heavy items, particularly tool boxes, spare wheels and full jerry-cans, at the very front or rear of a travel trailer.

Always load the tow vehicle to its maximum legally permitted weight. Keep the travel trailer‘s loading as light as possible – and as close to the travel trailer‘s axle/s as possible.

A travel trailer needs to be about 10% nose heavy, but do that by locating heavy stuff slightly ahead of the centre-line of the axle/s – not like a weight lifters barbell (that has all virtually all of the weight at the ends). This is why RV Book’s articles and publications so strongly condemn locating heavy spare wheels etc at the extreme rear of long travel trailers.

Be aware that a few long and heavy travel trailers are being made with all water tanks ahead of the axle/s. With these the critical tow ball mass will vary (and potentially dangerous if water is drawn). They appear to rely on the tanks being full whilst towing. Some have since been recalled and modified.

For a truly thorough plain English explanation of all this (and how to assess the stability of your own travel trailer) do see our book ‘Why Travel Trailers Roll– and how to prevent it’.

Collyn Rivers is a semi-retired automobile research engineer.  He is the author of seven books, five of which are about making RVs and solar work optimally.

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Why Caravans Roll Over
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Why Caravans Roll Over
and how to prevent it

Explains in detail every aspect of tow vehicle and travel trailer stability. This is what you need to know to be safe on or off the road.

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