Many existing home grid-connect solar systems have excess capacity outside peak periods. Solar energy fed in during the day can be re-drawn during off-peak periods, for much the same price, to charge an electric car. This is because many grid networks have excess capacity outside peak periods. Furthermore, such charging extends battery life: all dislike ongoing deep discharges.
Electric Vehicle Motors
Electric vehicle motors AC/DC Electric vehicle motors use one or other of the two main kinds of electricity: alternating current and direct current. Both are effective as electric vehicle motors. Alternating Current (AC) is where electric current constantly reverses...
Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
Globally, there is move to electric vehicles. Apart from minor rubber tyre particles they are virtually emission free.They are also about 80% efficient. If, however, their electricity is from fossil-fuelled power stations, their emissions are similar to year 2020 petrol-fuelled (or hybrid) vehicles.
Electric Vehicle History
Electric vehicle history Electric vehicles have existed for longer than most people think. They long pre-date petrol and diesel. This electric vehicle history by Collyn Rivers is an overview. The first dc electric motor (1866). Pic: Siemens UK. The electric...
Baghdad battery myth
In the 1930s, German archaeologist Wilhelm Koenig claimed that whilst excavating an archaeological dig near Baghdad (Iraq), he uncovered a small clay jar. It had a plug that sealed the opening. That plug had a copper tube with an iron rod inserted into it. If filled with an acidic liquid, the device functioned as a basic battery. Koenig and others made similar versions that generated up to two volts per unit.
A Bit More About Collyn Rivers
A brief biography about Collyn Rivers by Chrissy Eustace It is hard to know how to describe the enigma that is Collyn Rivers, although the Sydney Morning Herald (in the 1990s) probably came close to describing him as ‘one of the few remaining...
Warning for Potential Travel Trailer Buyers – how to buy a travel trailer
Potential buyers of caravans need to be extremely careful to ensure that their proposed caravan is, in fact, fully compliant with Australia’s vehicle safety regulations, as stated in the national Australian Design Rules. The Federal government’s Vehicle Safety Standards branch has recognised the problems in the caravan industry. It is introducing a new Road Vehicle Standards Act in July 2021. This Act replaces the Motor Vehicle Standards Act, which has been in force since 1989.
Why the Move to Electric Vehicles
Why the move to electric vehicles? It is largely because in the past few years there has become an increasing realisation that it is impossible to totally remove emissions from petrol engines. This applies even more so to diesel engines (although to their shame, major European car makers used fraudulent methods to cover this up). It is now all but certain that diesel cars and diesel 4WDs will cease being made after 2030. Many makers are planning an earlier date for diesel as it is becoming clear that it virtually impossible to remove the major polluting components.
Wheels falling off trailers – and how to stop it happening
Wheels falling off trailers, wheel studs breaking and wheel nuts loosening still happens. Here is why it happens, and how to prevent it. Wrecked wheel bearings and fractured stub axles are also common. That fastenings such as wheel nuts may be caused, not just permitted, to loosen is rarely covered in engineering training. The causes and prevention are however well known. This referenced article by Collyn Rivers explains how and why in rigour and detail.
Information for Book Retailers
The entire range of books published by RVBooks is available in paperback form for sales by bricks and mortar book retailers. Worldwide distribution for all books in the RVBooks library is managed exclusively by the Ingram Content Group. Ingram Content Group has one of...