Battery charging and battery chargers are often misunderstood – causing batteries to die before their time. This article explains why and how to avoid it.
Batteries & Battery Charging
RV Fuel cells – great idea, but cost is too high
Fuel cells for RVs are non-polluting and ultra-quiet. Whilst initially promising their initial and running costs still excludes general RV use.
RV electrical wiring – twin-wire or chassis return – here’s why twin-wire is usually better
Twelve-volt travel trailer systems may be twin-wire or chassis return. Twin-wire is usually best. This article explains why – and which to choose to avoid problems.
Connecting travel trailer batteries – there’s no magic way of doing it!
Connecting travel trailer batteries is often misunderstood. This article explains what’s possible, and why and how to do it successfully.
Battery ventilation is vital – why take any risk?
All lead acid batteries, AGMs and gel cells, generate explosive gas. Even though most are sealed, makers stress that battery ventilation is vital still. Confusion exists over this. Around 2000, some battery makers began to claim that no ventilation was required. Or, ventilation, is advisable but not necessarily essential. They withdrew this advice, however, shortly after. Many batteries thus have a warning notice as below.
Variable voltage alternator problems with travel trailers – how to fix
Variable voltage alternator problems with travel trailers and motor homes arise when charging auxiliary batteries. Here’s why and how to fix them. These alternators are, in particular, installed on many post-2013 vehicles.
LiFePO4 jump starters really do work – they power other things too
Despite their very small batteries LiFePO4 jump starters really do work. This article by Collyn Rivers explains how and why. A lot of power (the rate at which energy is used) is needed. The amount of energy (the ability to perform work) required, however is surprisingly small. In the days of vintage cars, a strongish 55 kg (120 lb) girl could hand crank start a 4.5 litre Bentley with relative ease.
Lithium batteries for travel trailers
Lithium batteries in caravans and motorhomes pack a lot of energy but need specialised knowledge to use safely and reliably. Here’s how and why – and how to install and use them.
How to tell travel trailer battery charge – energy monitoring explained
Knowing how to tell travel trailer battery charge is not easy. Get this wrong and good batteries are scrapped and bad ones retained. Here’s why, and how to tell.
Imported RV electrics
Imported RV electrics are often not fully compliant. Their owners often wrongly believe they are. They cannot legally be sold unless remedied.